The Governing Body consists of 5 co-opted Governors (formally Community Governors), 1 Local Authority Governor, 2 Parent Governors, 2 Staff Governors, one of which is the Headteacher. All Governors have voting rights on the committees on which they serve. There are no Associate Members. There are currently 0 vacancies on the Governing Body .
The Governing Body meets once a term at the school. The Governors also serve on the following sub-committees which meet at least once a term;-
Finance and Resourcing
School Effectiveness
Details of the membership of each sub-committee are shown on the table below.
Governor Attendance at Governing Body and Sub-Committee Meetings Academic Year 2022-2023
Governor attendance at Governing Body and Sub-Committee Meetings Academic Year 2021 - 2022
For Governor Attendance at Sub committee meetings please follow the appropriate link.
Attendance at School Effectiveness and Safeguarding Sub-Committee Meeting
Attendance at Governing Body and Sub-Committee Meetings 2016-2017
Attendance at Finance and Personnel Sub Committee Meetings
Governing Body Code of Practice
For the Academic Year 2023- 2024 the Governors are:-
Name | Type of Governor | Role | Link |
Mr Sam Charles |
Parent Governor Term of Office 26/3/2021 - 25/3/2025 |
Sub Committee School Effectiveness (Chair) |
Children and Staff Wellbeing School Website |
Mrs Alison Edwards |
Serves on all Sub Committees |
Mr John Emerson |
Co-opted Governor Term of Office 10/6/2021 - 9/6/2021 |
Vice Chair of Governors Sub-Committees Finance and Resource (Vice Chair) Headteacher Performance Management |
Health and Safety Whistleblowing
Mrs Ruth Holroyd |
Co-opted Governor Term of Office 26/3/2021 - 25/3/2025 |
Chair of Governors Sub-Committees Finance and Resource (Chair) Headteacher Performance Management Pay Committee School Effectiveness |
Board Development Record Keeping Attendance
Mr Kerryn Johnson |
Co-opted Governor Term of Office 21/3/2023 - 25/3/2027 |
Sub Committee Finance and Resource Headteacher Performance Management |
Vacancy |
Parent Governor Term of Office |
Sub Commitee
Cllr Mike McCusker |
Local Authority Governor Term of Office 19/11/2020 - 18/11/2024 |
Sub Committee Finance and Resource
Miss Laura McMahon |
Staff Governor Term of Office 3/12/2021 - 2/12/2025 |
Sub Committee School Effectiveness |
Mr Stephen Scott |
Co-opted Governor Term of Office 29/11/2022 - 28/11/2026 |
Sub Committee Finance and Resource |
School Improvement
Mrs Michelle Stoker |
Co-opted Governor Term of Office 12/7/2022 - 11/7/2026 |
Sub Committee Pay
Pupil Premium
For the Academic Year 2022-2023 the Governors are;-
Name | Type of Governor | Role | Link |
Mr Sam Charles No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Parent Governor appointed by the Parents Term of Office 26/3/2021 to 25/3/2025
Sub Committees School Effectiveness
School Improvement - Wellbeing
Mrs Alison Edwards No pecuniary/business interests declared Related to Mrs T Riley (Assistant Headteacher) - Sister-in-Law |
Headteacher Term of Office 1/1/2019 to present
Serves on all committees
Mr John Emerson No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Co-opted by the Governing Body Term of Office 10/6/2021 to 9/6/2025
Sub Committees Finance and Resourcing Committee Headteacher Performance Management
Health and Safety Whistleblowing
Mrs Ruth Holroyd Working with Schools Ltd - providing HR support and advice to a number of schools. This does not include Monton Green No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Parent Governor appointed by the Parents Term of Office 26/3/2021 to 25/3/2025
Chair of Governors Sub Committee Finance and Resourcing Committee (Chair) Headteacher Performance Management Pay Committee
School Improvement - Pupil Outcomes
Mr Patrick Mather Director of Tutors and Futures - a tuition company Director of SOLI - company working with young people to support wellbeing and additional needs. Neither company is currently used by Monton Green Primary School. No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Co-opted by the Governing Body Term of Office 12/07/2022 - 11/07/2026
Sub Committee School Effectiveness Pay Committee
Special Educational Needs
Cllr Mike McCusker No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Local Authority Governor Term of Office 19/11/2020 to 18/11/2024
Sub Committees Finance and Resourcing Committee
Miss Laura McMahon No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Staff Governor elected by the Staff Term of Office 03/12/2021 - 02/12/2025 (currently on Maternity Leave)
Sub Committee School Effectiveness
School Improvement - Pupil Voice
Mr Stephen Scott No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff
Co-opted by the Governing Body Term of Office 29/11/2022 - 28/11/2026
Sub Committee
Ms Michelle Stoker Intends to apply to enrol son in Reception at Monton Green Primary for September 2025 No material interests arising with other Governors or staff
Co-opted by the Governing Body Term of Office 12/07/2022 - 11/07/2026
Sub Committee School Effectiveness Pay Committee
School Improvement - Planning
For the Academic Year 2021 / 2022 the Governors at Monton Green are:
Name | Type of Governor | Role | Link |
Mr Sam Charles No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Parent Governor appointed by the Parents Term of Office 26/3/2021 to 25/3/2025 |
Sub Committees School Effectiveness |
School Improvement |
Mrs Kindra Belcher No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Staff Governor elected by the staff Term of Office 11/10/2017 to 10/10/2021 (Term of Office expired) |
Sub Committees School Effectiveness |
Mrs Alison Edwards No pecuniary/business interests declared Related to Mrs T Riley (Assistant Headteacher) - Sister-in-Law |
Headteacher Term of Office 1/1/2019 to present |
Serves on all committees | |
Mr John Emerson No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Co-opted by the Governing Body Term of Office 10/6/2021 to 9/6/2025 |
Sub Committees Finance and Resourcing Committee Headteacher Performance Management |
Health and Safety Whistleblowing |
Mrs Ruth Holroyd Working with Schools Ltd - providing HR support and advice to a number of schools. This does not include Monton Green No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Parent Governor appointed by the Parents Term of Office 26/3/2021 to 25/3/2025 |
Vice Chair of Governors to 19/3/2022 Acting Chair of Governors from 20/3/2022 Sub Committee Finance and Resourcing Committee |
School Improvement |
ubCllr Mike McCusker No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Local Authority Governor Term of Office 19/11/2020 to 18/11/2024 |
Sub Committees Finance and Resourcing |
Miss Laura McMahon No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Staff Governor elected by the Staff 11/10/2021 |
Sub Committee School Effectiveness |
Mr Stephen Ruffley Works for Salford Governor Services as a casual clerk in other schools No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Co-opted by the Governing Body
Sub Committees
Mr James Rattenbury No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Co-opted by the Governing Body Term of Office 20/3/2018 to 19/3/2022 |
Chair of Governors until 19/3/2022 (Expiry of Term of Office) Serves on all Committees |
Safeguarding SEND Pupil Premium and CLA
For the Academic Year 2020 / 2021 the Governors at Monton Green Primary are;
Name |
Type of Governor |
Role |
Link Governors |
Mrs Leah Austin Chair of PTA - no other pecuniary/ business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff
Parent Governor appointed by the parents Term of Office 15/2/2017 - 14/2/2021 Term of Office expired |
Sub Committees; Safeguarding School Effectiveness |
Art & Design |
Mrs Kindra Belcher No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Staff Governor appointed by school staff Term of Office 11/10/2017 to 10/10/2021 |
Sub Committees; Finance/Pay/HR School Effectiveness |
Assistant Headteacher SENCO |
Mr Sam Charles |
Parent Governor appointed by the parents March 2021 |
No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Co-opted by the Governing Body Term of Office 06/07/2020 to 05/07/2024 |
Sub Committees; Safeguarding School Effectiveness |
Mrs Alison Edwards |
Headteacher Term of Office 1/1/2019 to 31/8/2023 |
Serves on all Committees |
Mrs Ruth Holroyd Owner of Oakleaf Business Solutions Ltd Co-owner of The Mice Machine Ltd No material interests arising with other Governors or staff
Parent Governor appointed by the parents Term of Office 15/2/2017 - 14/2/2021 Re-elected in March 2021 |
Vice Chair of Governors Sub Committees; Finance/ Pay/ HR |
English |
Mrs Sara Laing No pecuniary/business interests declared No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Parent Governor appointed by the parents Term of Office 15/2/2017 - 14/2/2021 Term of Office expired |
Sub Committees; School Effectiveness |
English |
Mrs Janet Muir No pecuniary/business interests declared Ross Muir (Husband) works at the school |
School Business Manager Co-opted by the Governing Body Term of Office 22/6/2017 to 21/6/2021 Resigned 22/3/2021
Sub Committees Finance/Pay/HR Buildings/Premises, H&S |
Rev Kim Ratcliffe Methodist Minister No material interests arising with other Governors or staff |
Co-opted by the Governing Body Term of Office 20/3/2018 to 19/3/2021 |
Sub Committees; Finance/Pay/HR |
Mr James Rattenbury No pecuniary/business interests declared |
Co-opted by the Governing Body 20/3/2018 to 19/3/2022 |
Chair of Governors Sub Committees; Buildings/Premises, H&S Finance/Pay/HR (Chair) Safeguarding (Chair) School Effectiveness |
Governor for Safeguarding, Child Protection and Looked After Children Science |
Attendance at Meetings Academic Year 2020-2021
GB Meeting 19/11/2020 | GB Meeting 25/3/2021 | Extraordinary Meeting 10/6/2021 | GB Meeting 15/07/2021 | |
Austin L Mrs | Yes | Term of Office expired | Term of Office Expired | Term of Office Expired |
Belcher K Mrs | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Charles S Mr | N/A | N/A | Yes | Yes |
Dragisic V Ms | Yes | Yes | Apologies Accepted | Apologies Accepted |
Edwards A Mrs | Yes | No but Miss B Wilson Deputy Headteacher attended | Yes | Yes |
Emerson J Mr | N/A | N/A | N/A | Yes |
Holroyd R Mrs | Yes | Yes (as observer as Term of Office expired) | Yes | Yes |
Laing S Mrs | Yes | Term of Office Expired | Term of Office Expired | Term of Office Expired |
Masterman M Mr | N/A | N/A | N/A | Yes |
McCusker M Cllr | N/A | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Muir J Mrs | Yes | Resigned prior to meeting | Term of Office Expired | Term of Office Expired |
Ratcliffe K Rev | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Rattenbury J Mr | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Sub-Committee Meetings
Governor | School Effectiveness 20/10/2021 | Finance, Pay & HR 20/10/2020 | Building & Premises 20/10/2020 |
School Effectiveness 10/12/2020 |
School Effectiveness 22/4/2021 |
Finance & Resource 06/05/2021 |
School Effectiveness 01/07/2021 |
Austin L Mrs | N/A | N/A | N/A | No Apologies | Term of Office Expired | ||
Belcher K Mrs | Yes | Apologies Accepted | N/A | Yes | Yes | N/A | Yes |
Charles S Mr | Appointed March 2021 | Yes | N/A | Yes | |||
Dragisic V Ms | Yes | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Yes | |
Edwards A Mrs | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Emerson J Mr | |||||||
Holroyd R Mrs | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||
Laing S Mrs | Yes | No Apologies | Term of Office Expired | ||||
Masterman M Mr | Yes | ||||||
McCuskerM Cllr | No Apologies | Yes | |||||
Muir J Mrs | N/A | Yes | Yes | N/A | N/A | Term of Office Expired | |
Ratcliffe K Rev | N/A | Yes | N/A | Yes | Yes | N/A | Yes |
Rattenbury J Mr | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Attendance at Meetings Academic Year 2019-2020
GB Meeting on 15/10/2019 |
GB Meeting on 6/7/2020 |
Austin L Mrs |
No Apologies | No Apologies |
Belcher K Mrs |
Apologies | Yes |
Dragisic V Miss |
Yes | Yes |
Edwards A Mrs |
Yes | Yes |
Holroyd R Mrs |
Yes | Yes |
Laing S Mrs |
No Apologies |
Yes |
Marks P Mr |
Resigned |
Resigned |
Muir J Mrs |
Yes |
Yes |
Ratcliffe K Rev |
Yes |
Yes |
Rattenbury J Mr |
Yes |
Yes |
Wilson B Miss (Observer) |
Yes |
N/A |
Attendance at Meetings Academic Year 2018- 2019
Extra-ordinary Meeting 29/9/2018 (held in place of a Finance meeting) |
GB Meeting 08/11/2018 |
GB Meeting 07/03/2019 |
GB Meeting 27/06/2019 |
Austin L Mrs |
Apologies |
Yes |
Yes |
Belcher K Mrs |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Dragisic V Miss |
Apologies |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Edwards A Mrs |
N/A |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Holroyd R Mrs |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Laing S Mrs |
Apologies |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Marks P Mr |
Yes |
Apologies |
Apologies |
Mason G Miss |
Yes |
Yes |
Retired |
Retired |
Muir J Mrs |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Parrott S Mr |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ratcliffe K Rev |
Apologies |
Apologies |
Yes |
Yes |
Rattenbury J Mr |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Apologies |
Stone L Cllr Mrs |
Apologies |
Apologies |
Apologies |
Resigned |
Attendance at Meetings Academic Year 2017-2018 |
GB Meeting 12/10/2017 |
GB Meeting 14/3/2018 |
GB Meeting 28/6/2018 |
Austin L Mrs |
Yes |
Apologies |
Apologies |
Belcher K Mrs |
Yes |
Apologies |
Yes |
Da Silva A Mrs |
Yes |
N/A |
N/A |
Dragisic V Miss |
Yes |
Yes |
Apologies |
Holroyd R Mrs |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Laing S Mrs |
Yes |
Yes |
Apologies |
Marks P Mr |
N/A |
Yes |
Yes |
Mason G Miss |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
McCabe N Mr |
Yes |
N/A |
N/A |
Muir J Mrs |
Yes |
Apologies |
Yes |
Parrott S Mr |
Apologies |
Yes |
Yes |
Ratcliffe K Rev |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Rattenbury J Mr |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Stone L Cllr Mrs |
Yes |
Apologies |
Apologies |